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Pastoral Letter

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As we start going out, and coming home in the light again, it usually means one  thing; Easter is around the corner.

As we leave Winter and enter Spring, we are also reminded of the new life that  starts at this time of year.

Whether that be the plants in your garden, the leaves on trees, or the  caterpillars and butterflies that start showing their faces again.

This time of year is an incredibly important one in our faith. We remind  ourselves that Jesus Christ died for our sins, descended into Hell, and rose from  the dead.

It is a reminder that there is always hope, even in the depths of despair. When  Jesus was betrayed by Judas and ultimately crucified on Good Friday, it felt like  hope was lost.

But on the third day, Christ rose from the depths of Hell and things were  looking light again.

It is a message we can all take into our everyday lives. When things are looking  bleak, whether it be a personal issue, or a wider issue like conflict in Ukraine,  Gaza and other parts of the world, a light can always be found.

It’s also important to remember the journey we have been on for the past 40  days for Lent. From Ash Wednesday to Palm Sunday we have all tried to enrich

our lives, by either giving up something that is bad for us, or adding something  more positive, like praying into our everyday life.

Whatever you have decided to do this year, I hope you had every success, and  life is better for the choices you have made.

May the light of Jesus Christ be present in you all, as we celebrate his  resurrection.

Yours in Christ,

Fr. Peter Charles Crowther obl. sbso | The Presbytery, Bury Lane, Withnell, Chorley, PR6 8SD | Tel 01254 830 995 | Archdiocese of Liverpool 1199714


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Archbishop Malcolm McMahon

Easter Message 2024

Most Rev Malcolm McMahon OP  

Archbishop of Liverpool

Archbishop’s House


Archbishop’s House Liverpool L19 0PH